About Us

We aim to put a step forward in helping dairy sector flourish with modern technologies to the dairy farmers and milk unions , co-operatives in Cattle Health Management through our extended service.

Due to lack of knowledge and techno know-how, lack of input supply, extension and veterinary services, infrastructure and management, marketing support and financial linkages Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sector remains to be an unattractive sector.

Clean & Clever Corporation could notice that the above mentioned services are either not available at Block/Panchayat/Village Level or if available they are fragmented and unorganized. Also, this sector has a chance to blossom only if all components in Animal Husbandry and Fishery will be brought together under a single umbrella enabled with last mile delivery. Recognizing the constraints and challenges of farmers and organizations associated with dairy and fisheries sector. CCC has developed low cost, handy and precise performing technologies for dairy, poultry and fishery by bringing together 4T’s training ,trading, technology and treatment under a single integrated platform.

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